Category Archives: In The Community

Massive 15ft Armenian Genocide Martyrs Monument Sign Unveiling April 1st

On April 1st 2011, the State of California will have in place along the 60 Freeway a sign noting the “Armenian Genocide Martyrs Monument” near Montebello, this will be the first time the word “Armenian Genocide” will permanently be inscribed on US soil. The monument sits at the top of Bicknell Park in Montebello and is the first and only monument to our ancestors on public land in the world. Continue reading

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Telethon 2010 – Water is Life – Donate…

Dear friends and family:

First off may you all enjoy the day today with your loved ones, as Thanksgiving Day is a time for us to reflect and appreciate those around us. Today is an important day for Armenians all around the world, it’s the one time that regardless of political affiliation or personal beliefs we all band together to help other Armenians in need. This year Armenia Fund’s telethon is geared towards raising fund for Karabagh, the “Water is Life” campaign is extremely important to the continued existence of Karabagh in the hopes that it can continue to flourish, the goal is to provide drinking water and irrigation to its 200 villages. Continue reading

Posted in In The Community, News | Leave a comment Launches Its Brand New Website

Today Armenian Martyrs Memorial Monument Launched its new website with the help of Trimark Marketing Group. The purpose of the site is to bring more awareness to the Monument, its community and to educate about the Armenian Genocide. Continue reading

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Karabagh President to visit City of Montebello

Karabagh President to visit City of Montebello

MONTEBELLO, CA – A historic event will take place on Nov. 22, 2010, when the President of the Republic of Karabagh, Bako Sahakian, will be honored and recognized with a proclamation and the Key to the City by the Montebello City Council.
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